Kampanye Lawan Kekerasan Seksual

Rabu 13 Mar 2024 - 16:43 WIB
Editor : Jurnal

Step by step

You learn to let go

Embrace every flaw, every sorrow

And you will not let the past define you,

Through the darkest storm, you’ve endured

From the shadows, you’ll emerge

 Let’s raise your voice

To break the silence

Let your voices be free

Not afraid to be you

Let the scars

Be the stories you share

You’ll no longer hide

For you’re not alone

With the strength to forgive and the courage to heal,

Hope as your guide, and love as your anchor

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Rabu 13 Mar 2024 - 16:43 WIB

Kampanye Lawan Kekerasan Seksual